Sep 27, 2022

My Second Try on Multipass

All these below happen after I install Multipass (on my Windows machine).

To list images available:

multipass find


Next is to trying on creating different instance with different config.

To start an instance of Ubuntu:

multipass launch 

To start an instance of Ubuntu with a given name: jimny

multipass launch --name jimny

To start an instance of Ubuntu with specific config

multipass launch -c 2 -m 2G -d 10G -n jimny

To start an instance of docker environment with Portainer

multipass launch docker

Then, to list all the instances

multipass list

To stop and start specific instance

multipass stop jimny

multipass start jimny

In order to login and connect to specific instance

multipass shell jimny

Last to delete the instance

multipass stop jimny

multipass delete jimny

multipass purge 

multipass stop docker

multipass delete --purge docker 

