May 15, 2022

First Try on Multipass

Multipass is simple a docker alternative from Canonical projects. It is a lightweight cross-platform VM manager, and is designed for developers who want a fresh Ubuntu environment with a single command.

A cloud-init can be used for post-install configuration, such as setup SSH public key or mounting a disk.

$ sudo snap install multipass --classic 

$ sudo snap refresh multipass --channel stable

$ multipass find

$ multipass launch --name kk focal

$ multipass ls

$ multipass ls --format json 

$ multipass shell kk 

$ multipass launch --name jj --cpus 2 --mem 2G 

$ multipass ls --format yaml

$ multipass info kk

$ multipass exec kk -- lsb_release -a 

$ multipass list 

$ multipass stop jj kk

$ multipass list 

$ multipass delete --purge kk

$ multipass delete --purge jj 

So fun 😜😜 and I love its' simplicity.
