
         __  __
        /\ \/\ \           __
        \ \ \ \ \    ___  /\_\     ___      __
         \ \ \ \ \  / __`\\/\ \   /'___\  /'__`\
          \ \ \_/ \/\ \L\ \\ \ \ /\ \__/ /\  __/
           \ `\___/\ \____/ \ \_\\ \____\\ \____\
            `\/__/  \/___/   \/_/ \/____/ \/____/

If sharp criticism disappears completely, mild criticism will become harsh.

If mild criticism is not allowed, silence will be considered ill-intended.

If silence is no longer allowed, complimenting not hard enough is a crime.

If only one-voice is allowed to exist, then the only voice that exists is a  lie.

~ 2021 (_HK_)
