It is fully open-source and includes the following testing tools:
SET Fasttrack kismet aircrack-ng nmap dsniff netcat nikto xprobe scapy wireshark tcpdump ettercap hping3 medusa macchanger nbtscan john ptunnel p0f ngrep tcpflow openvpn iodine httptunnel cryptcat sipsak yersinia smbclient sslsniff tcptraceroute pbnj netdiscover netmask udptunnel dnstracer sslscan medusa ipcalc dnswalk socat onesixtyone tinyproxy dmitry fcrackzip ssldump fping ike-scan gpsd darkstat swaks arping tcpreplay sipcrack proxychains proxytunnel siege sqlmap wapiti skipfish w3af
Here's how I setup it up:
pi@raspberrypi ~ mkdir work && cd work
pi@raspberrypi ~/work/sudo apt-get install git
pi@raspberrypi ~/work $ git clone
pi@raspberrypi ~/work/Raspberry-Pwn $ sudo ./
![]() |
Installing Raspberry Pwn |
Later I'll post more articles on how the things work. Enjoy!