Oct 2, 2022

Start Docker with Multipass

Multipass is a great tool for working with containers. 

Minikube workflow is another great example of a built-in tool for container development. And Microk8s runs on top of Multipass cross-platform and is for pocket-sized Kubernetes.

Docker Workflow in Multipass

An extra tool in Docker workflow is Portainer. In fact, each VM instance created with the Docker workflow comes with a Portainer container already running in Docker. Once that instance is launched, you’re already up and running with a convenient GUI interface (at port 9000) for launching and managing your containers.

multipass launch docker -n <instance-name>

multipass launch docker -n dk

multipass info dk

To access the docker command interface:

multipass exec dk docker

To create alias for docker:

multipass alias <instance>:<command> <alias-cmd>

multipass alias dk:docker dkr 

To run the hello-world container:

dkr run hello-world 

multipass dkr run hello-world

multipass dkr version

multipass dkr version

To access the portainer with browser, open the URL at http://dk_ip_addr:9000


Portainer Admin Password (12 char long)

Portainer Quick Setup page
