Aug 10, 2022

Command Line Commands – CLI Tutorial

Windows command line is always my favorite tool. It is one of the most powerful utilities where I can interact with OS directly.

Here's are some of the commands, and I put them under 2 groups.

Without Admin Privileges 

C:\> driverquery

C:\> systeminfo

C:\> prompt xx@localhost $$ 

C:\> dir | clip

C:\> assoc

C:\> fc 

C:\> title cmdline

C:\> cipher

C:\> netstat -an

C:\> color 0a

C:\> for /f "skip=9 tokens=1,2 delims=:" %i in ('netsh wlan show profiles') do @echo %j | findstr -i -v echo | netsh wlan show profiles %j key=clear

C:\>  ipconfig /all

C:\> powercfg /energy 

C:\> attrib +h + s +r folder_name

C:\> start

C:\> tree

C:\> ver 

C:\> tasklist /IM "task.exe" /F

C:\> vol

Need Admin Privileges

C:\> powershell start cmd -v runAs

C:\> dism

C:\> sfc   

C:\> taskkill /IM "chrome.exe" /F

C:\> shutdown
