Jul 1, 2022

Patch_Tuesday Utils

A step-by-step how I generate patch_tuesday.exe from python script. You can download the python script or the executable directly (at GitHub).

c:\home> pip install colorama

c:\home> pip install pyfiglet

c:\home> pip install pyinstaller


Method 1:

c:\home> pyinstaller --onefile --add-data "C:\Python3\Lib\site-packages\pyfiglet";./pyfiglet   patch_tuesday.py

Method 2:

c:\home> pyinstaller --onefile --collect-all pyfiglet patch_tuesday.py

c:\home> cd dist

c:\home\dist> patch_tuesday.exe -h

patch_tuesday.exe -h

c:\home\dist> patch_tuesday.exe -k 2022-jun -v

patch_tuesday.exe -k 2022-jun -v

Tips: Try "patch_tuesday.exe -k 2022-jun -vc" for chart output.
