May 13, 2022

History in ZSH

I switched to zsh from bash many years ago. 

Today, I like to share a few tips on using zsh, and those are included in my dotfiles.

How to SKIP a cmdline from .zsh_history

$ echo "This cmdline saved in history."

$  echo "This cmdline will not be saved in history (bcos of leading space. Try it."

Show datetime and elapsed times in history

I would like to show the datetime and the elapsed time of my cmdline in my history. Thus I modified the alias in my .zshrc:

alias history='history -i -D 0'

Where -i is for datetime in iso-format, -D is for showing elapsed times spent, and 0 is for showing all the history.

To show history from all the login terminals

I do open multiple terminals for work, and I would like to see the history of cmdline from all the terminals. Thus I enable the setopt in my .zshrc:

setopt share_history