Jun 21, 2021

What could replace Python in the future?

There are a few new competitors on the market of programming languages:

  • Rust offers the same kind of safety that Python has — no variable can accidentally be overwritten. But it solves the performance issue with the concept of ownership and borrowing. It is also the most-loved programming language of the last few years, according to StackOverflow Insights.
  • Go is great for beginners like Python. And it is so simple that it’s even easier to maintain the code. Fun point: Go developers are among the highest-paid programmers on the market.
  • Julia is a very new language that competes head-on with Python. It fills the gap of large-scale technical computations: Usually, one would have used Python or Matlab, and patched the whole thing up with C++ libraries, which are necessary at a large scale. Now, one can use Julia instead of juggling with two languages.


  •  https://thenextweb.com/news/why-python-not-programming-language-future-syndication