Jun 26, 2021

Funny iPhone Bug on WiFi SSID

A funny bug on iPhone found by a security researcher where a carefully crafted network name causes a bug in the networking stack of iOS and can completely disable an iPhone’s ability to connect to Wi-Fi.

On Twitter, Carl Schou showed that after joining a Wi-Fi network with a specific name (“%p%s%s%s%s%n”), all Wi-Fi functionality on the iPhone was disabled from that point on. 

Once an iPhone or iPad joins the network with the name “%p%s%s%s%s%n”, the device fails to connect to Wi-Fi networks or use system networking features like AirDrop.


  •  https://9to5mac.com/2021/06/19/a-specific-network-name-can-completely-disable-wi-fi-on-your-iphone/