Oct 31, 2020

JSON/CSV in Python

Two simple tutorials to convert between JSON and CSV data.

How to convert JSON to CSV

How to convert CSV to JSON


  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLCSVv46ERo
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeFDBRAhRls

Oct 9, 2020

Automating Information Security with Python

Just completed my SEC573 training (since Aug 2020), and passed the GIAC Python Coder (GPYC) certification.


  1. SEC573.1: Essentials Workshop with pyWars
  2. SEC573.2: Essentials Workshop with MORE pyWars
  3. SEC573.3: Defensive Python
  4. SEC573.4: Forensics Python
  5. SEC573.5: Offensive Python

Link: Automating Information Security with Python | SANS SEC573

Oct 1, 2020

Kenna CVE Check

Today I created a small python script that allow me to check the number of vulnerable host in Kenna based on a CVE ID.

It helps me to check on how many hosts contain a particular CVE vulnerability, whether it is Closed, or Open, or Risk_Accepted, or False_Positive.

But I'm thinking to improve the script later by including the vulnerability count for both active/inactive hosts.