Sep 23, 2008

Security Screen Saver

Seldom I come across any screen saver for security. Today, when I clean up some of my old files, I discovered an old screen saver I downloaded from Microsoft, "The 10 Immutable Laws of Security Administration". 
  • Law #1: Nobody believes anything bad can happen to them, until it does 
  • Law #2: Security only works if the secure way also happens to be the easy way 
  • Law #3: If you don't keep up with security fixes, your network won't be yours for long 
  • Law #4: It doesn't do much good to install security fixes on a computer that was never secured to begin with 
  • Law #5: Eternal vigilance is the price of security 
  • Law #6: There really is someone out there trying to guess your passwords 
  • Law #7: The most secure network is a well-administered one 
  • Law #8: The difficulty of defending a network is directly proportional to its complexity 
  • Law #9: Security isn't about risk avoidance; it's about risk management 
  • Law #10: Technology is not a panacea 
If I remember correctly, the screen saver was released in December 2000 (8 years back). You can download it from Microsoft Security Screen Saver.